
English conditions practice

Thank you for paying special attention to the studio’s terms of use and for sharing this message with group members.

To personally contribute to the smooth operation of the facilities, everyone becomes responsible and autonomous in the studio premises. 😊

On the day of studio reservation: 👍

Reservation Fee:

It is payable on the same day of online booking by credit card and/or Interac bank transfer. 🙂

Personal Information:

Remains confidential and is used for insurance, premises security, and personal access card programming. 🙂

Identification Step:

Member’s first and last name Phone number Email (if desired)

For managing the main door opening: 👍

An access key is given to the group’s responsible person, who instructs other members to communicate with him via text. There is a doorbell (if necessary). 🙂

Each group member can also request their own personal access key for independent studio access.

A refundable $10 deposit is required for the access key. In case of loss, $10 for a new key. Upon returning an intact key, studio administrators refund $10. 🙂

Respect is requested at all times on the premises. 👍

Through an access card system and a camera, building access can occur 15 minutes before the reservation time. It is suggested to leave the premises no later than 20 minutes after the reservation ends. For any reservation extension, please notify your request online at https://www.loreillemusclee.com/reservation/ or via text.

Any changes in the group, new member must be reported via text to 514-418-1511.

Only group members are allowed in the studio. Individuals accompanying a group member must be reported via text to 514-418-1511.

Equipment and facilities provided. Please inform administrators of any malfunctions or equipment damage.

The member-user who damages provided equipment undertakes to report the damages to administrators and to bear, in case of significant damage, the new value or repair cost charged by the maintenance service provider.

The Globe App allows turning on and off equipment. To do so, download and register on the app. Then, using the shared link, you can control speakers, lighting, and the console from the app. 🙂

Neighborhood: It is strongly recommended to keep windows closed in case of music with drums.

Etiquette. 👍

In the studios, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol, sugary drinks, eat, smoke, vape, and wander around the premises. 🙂 Only a water bottle will be tolerated.

Good attitude and courtesy towards others sharing the practice and recording studios are essential.

Hygiene and cleanliness of the premises. 👍

To move indoors in stairs, hallways, and studios, outdoor shoes are removed at the entrance, and it is requested to wear clean indoor shoes or slippers at all times. 😊

Handwashing and disposing of waste in the city bin outside on Notre-Dame Street are also recommended. 😋

At the end of practice or recording: 👍

It is suggested to ventilate the studio by opening the window to circulate the air and turn on the air conditioner a few minutes before leaving. 😀

Think of the next users. Please return chairs, tables, stands, and lecterns to their initial position. 😉

Lights remain on 24/7.

Close all doors before leaving the premises.

Administrators reserve the right to refuse a reservation to a member who disrupts the proper functioning of rehearsal and recording studios. 😃

Communications: For any equipment operation questions, text your request to 514-418-1511.

For any other questions, please contact us by phone at 514-418-1511. 😃

Your cooperation is highly appreciated. Thank you for being here, and happy practicing! 😀